A Godly legacy

2 Chro 20:32 He followed the ways of his father Asa and did not stray from them; he did what was right in the eyes of the LORD.

1 Kings 16:30Ahab son of Omri did more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him. 

Many people don't often think what will happen after they leave the world. What kind of impact of legacy they will leave behind. For me there are two important issues that matters most if I should be called Home. Will my wife be taken care off? Will my children appreciate the legacy I leave behind?

There are many pastors I know who are so engaged in the ministry, that they neglect their own family.  Many times they don't know that their kids are wayward or their wives are hurting inside. Like this Pastor whom I met recently. Travels everywhere, extremely busy in serving God, but not aware of the problems his own kids are facing and serious problems.And this seems to be the problem with many pastors and Christians. We are so involved in ministry that we neglect our own families. 

Isn't the family the most important responsibility the Lord has given to the father? Many times we know all the difficulties and issues all the other church members are going through but sad to say we don't know the problems our own wife and children are in. What is the point of pastoring a church and leading other people, when our own are drifting away from the ways of the Lord. That will be a massive tragedy. 

I asked one pastor's wife why she fell into adultery. Her answer was, "My husband was so involved in ministry and taking care of all the other people, that he neglected me". So when someone came along and showered her with care and love, she gave in. 

The question we all servants of God must ask, "Will my wife and children appreciate what I have done for them; Will they miss me, when I am gone". Will I leave a godly legacy behind?

In the above scriptures, we read about two fathers. One left a godly legacy, the other a bad one. King Ahab eventually became the worst king in Israel. Could it be, it was because his father had set the wrong example for him to follow? 

I think ministry is important but not as import as family. Lose you family and you have lost all your earthy possession.

During the last week, I had the opportunity of observing my other two children, when Reena was unconscious. I was heartened to see their faith and trust in God, in spite of the trying and difficult situation. The love for God was unshaken and the love for the family was strong. 

I pray that when I leave this earth, it would be said of my kids, "they walked in the ways of the Lord, just like their father did"


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