The shepherds - Luke 2:8-18 - Part 1

These days I have been meditating on the Christmas story and listening to sermons on this topics. Well as you would have guessed, we have heard almost everything there is, in this passage about the heavenly visitation to the shepherds. What else can be new. But God's Word is always new, every time we take time to wait and mediate on it.

If we are going to announce the birth of our own children, we will definitely tell it to our families, friends and church. We will not think of telling it to strangers or even people of low esteem. And we would certainly want some great pastor or prophet or even some great men in society to bless our baby.

Have you ever wondered why the angelic announcement of Jesus's birth was made to the angels and not the others? There were the chief priest in the temple, some fasting and praying in the temple, King Herod and others in the royal palaces. Probably Jesus life would have been different if the announcement was made to these. The angels appeared to non of these. 

By the way the shepherds were the outcasts of society. No parent would ever want their child to end up as a shepherd because it was one of the lowliest of jobs, reserved for the uneducated and those who come for the lower strata of society. It was for the unskilled and unwanted of society.

Yet the most significant announcement in the entire history of mankind was given to these simple folks in the country-side. 

The point here is, Jesus came for everyone, not just for the rich and wealthy but even the worst of sinners. 
  • Mat 18:11 - "For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost.
  • Luke 5:32 - I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
  • 1 Tim 1:5 - Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners--of whom I am the worst.

Jesus had many names but one of the significant one was "He was the friend of sinners". And what is assuring here is that no matter what kind of person you and I are, Jesus came into this world for you and for me. 

Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.


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