Christmas Eve Matinee

We had a wonderful production this afternoon. Full house crowd with more than half, friends and relatives.

The program was exquisitely carried out. The focus was on evangelism and this was factored into the Christmas story. The story itself was tapered with a contemporary setting. Nevertheless the true meaning of Christmas was given full weightage.

Everyone had good things to say about the program. I was specially blessed to once again to witness the unity and coherence of our church. Alvin and her team worked very hard in spite of many challenges. In fact the whole church worked together, put in a lot of effort and depended on the Holy Spirit to carry us through.The young adults and the youths played a major role in the entire production with the older ones, always ready to chip in when called for assistance. What a sight it was to behold. Sincerely grate to fun Alvina and her team for a job well done. Praise God.


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