Trip to Tamil Nadu

I arrived Chennai on 15 Apr, at 0900 hrs local time, much earlier than the scheduled time of 0945 hrs. My immigrations and custom checks were a breeze. Much less visitors at the terminal and I cleared all in 30 mins from touch down. This is the fastest time, I think, I have ever achieved in India. Thanks to all who prayed for me.

Bishop Thomas Jaya was at the arrival to pick me up. We arrived the training centre in the evening. It was good to meet Sis Kala and the two teenage children. 

On 16-17 Apr, I conducted the course the Great Commission. There were 32 participants in the class. They were very engaging very eager to learn. The discussions were lively and I enjoyed teaching them.

Many of the students shared how they have been blessed by the training they are receiving at this centre, equipping them to become church planters. 

I had good discussion with Bishop Thomas on how we can reach more villages with the gospel and do what is necessary to end gospel poverty.

Sis Kala is a great host, she made sure I was well fed. Great hospitality.


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