Fare-thee-well my friend, Rev James Ng - A tribute

It was with deep sadness that we bade farewell to another of God's General, Rev James Ng. But we don't grieve like the rest of the world because of the hope we have in Christ Jesus. We will meet him soon at the Master's feet.

To me , he was more than a friend. A true brother in Christ. He was one of the pillars of our Missions work in Asia. A true missionary, teacher, philantrophist and servant with a devoted passion for His Master. 

I met James in 2010, when he attended the Haggai Area Seminar, held in RELC. He was introduced to me by our dear friend, Sis Doreen Lim and her husband Dr Lim. Thereafter we became good friends and he became acquainted with our mission work. He was a regular on many of those trips. He preached and taught the Word to many church planters and congregations. It was not easy for him, with all his medical conditions. There were times when we had to travel long hours on the road, up the mountains, down the valleys, cross rivers, and stay in uncomfortable motels. Yet, he never complained but took all the challenges in his stride.

James first trip with us to the mission field.

There were times when was physical conditions were challenging and he had to be carried "piggy back" by the local church members. He never gave up. Is famous words, "Press on brother". That was the kind of passion he had for the Lord. He wanted to see the unreached, reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

James would often remark, "My spiritual gift is giving". I hardly hear anyone say this. But James and his dear wife Marilyn have been very generous in their giving for missions and helping the needy. Both of them have contributed to a number of church buildings, helped so many needy pastors and families. Only heaven will tell the kind of impact this couple has made in many lives and in many parts of Asia.

Because of his love for the Lord, hundreds, if not thousands have been blessed in India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar, Indonesia and Pakistan and else where. Not just with the gospel but in their social and material concerns as well.

James loved Indian food and his favourite was "tandoori chicken". But sometimes on our long journey, he was quite contend to survive on biscuits and coffee/tea. He took it with a smile.

He loved life and lived life to the fullest. Marilyn will certainly account the number of holidays they had made together. 

Because of his sincere and faithful contributions to the work of the Lord in the mission field, he was ordained in Banglore, India under the auspices of PEC India on 28 Aug 2019.

I could tell of many stories James and I had in the mission field but time and space would be insufficient. But for this tribute I will recount one.

I think this was in 2013. This was our first trip to Sikkim. Little did we know that we needed an entry permit for Sikkim. Even our coordinator Bishop Samuel Sharma was not aware. So happily we drove past the entry point without any permit and by the time we reached Gangtok, which was about 5,500 ft above sea level and was past 11pm in the night. As we checked into the hotel, the receptionist asked us for the entry permit. "What entry permit", I asked. 

"You will not be allowed into any hotel without the entry permit", the receptionist shouted. "Go back to the entry point and your permit". The entry point was one and half hours down the mountain.

So James and I were stranded outside the roadside, it was past midnight and freezing cold. I reckon it was about 12-15 DegC and we were in out T-shirts and jeans. There was no taxi in sight. Only heavy lorries. I was getting agitated and worried as James was a heart patient and if anything happens, I will be in big trouble.

But James was calm and patient. He never showed any anger or frustration. We waited for 45 mins and so sign of a taxi. I prayed in anger, "God please do something ". Time was 0145 hrs. My frustration was getting the  better of me. I was freezing. Dared not ask James about his.🦸

Suddenly a taxi showed up from nowhere. Thankfully we got in but still a bit resentful. We sat quietly in the taxi. A bit upset with God, he must have forgotten us. (although it as my fault). 

But as we arrived at the entry point and as the taxi pulled away, at the back of the taxi and written in bold English were the following words. "JESUS IS LORD". James shouted "Hallelujah". 

I was like...where in the world cam this come from? Sikkim has less the 2% christians and in English. My hair stood on ends to know that God still had His eyes on us. What an amazing God. But wait....

I related this incident to a senior government officer in Sikkim and he was shocked and said, "My friend, it cant be there, are no taxis in Sikkim after 9PM. It must have been an angel", he said.  That day we encountered the angel of God and we did not know it.

Well there are many more of such wonderful memories. I will miss him, his dedication and his passion.

I am also thankful to Marilyn for allowing James to be a blessing to all of us. It must have been very difficult for her to see her husband  travelling to difficult places for the ministry. But she stood by his side. May the Lord richly bless her and fill her heart with peace.

James last preaching on site in Berastagi, Kiros Church in Jul 2023

Last sharing via zoom by James to CPs in Nepal, Feb 24

His departure is a loss for us but a great homecoming for heaven. what a celebration up there, to hear the words of our Lord, "Well done thou good and faithful servant".

Farewell my brother...till we meet at Jesus feet.


  1. we Miss you man of God. Lot and Lot are there to share about the work you have done in NE India , Bhutan and Nepal.


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