Visit to Bodoland, Assam - 12 Apr

It was a field day. We departed Jaigaon for Assam. We were on our way to visit Pst Arvin’s church in Pathordubi, Bodoland. It took us about three hours to reach the village.  This was in a remote place and the roads off the highway were bad. More than 100 people gathered for the special meeting, mostly women as the men were out in the fields working. We had a good service. Pst Dinesh and Bro George shared the Word.  It was a joy to see the work growing.

Pst Arvin shared that he wants to run a tuition center in the village as there are many children there. It would need $100 a month for this new project. He was in tears when we were taking leave. There was such an emotional attachment with these dear people.

Later in the afternoon, we drove to Kokrahjah, the capital of Bidoland. We were invited by a former state minister, Mr Reo Reoa, to his house for fellowship and thence to speak at his church in the evening. Although he has stood down from being a minister, he still was given the protocol for a minster and we had the pleasure of being driven in his vehicle with personal bodyguards in uniform. And of course all the other vehicles gave way to us.

 We were very much humbled by the humility and sincerity of this minister who treated us with great hospitality in his house. In fact his wife served us tea and snacks, even though there were many servants in the house. Just listening to his testimony was a great motivation for us to live an uncompromising Christian life. 

That evening we had fellowship in Town Baptist Church, where I shared the Word.
We are truly thankful to God for people like this minister who serve the Lord with passion and honesty.


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