Promise verse for Apr 17

Another translation reads like this:I will go before you and will level the mountains.

This verse is a great encouragement for me as I face Apr. There are many challenges for this month. But I believe, the Lord will go before me and clear the mountains so that I won't even have to face them. All glory to God for His amazing grace.   

Last night we had a wonderful time of prayer from 10pm to 2:00AM this morning. It was good to see many people but more could have come, especially those in leadership positions. Prayer is key. While I know its near impossible for the whole church to come together, my heart's desire is that the at least the leaders and their spouses will make the sacrifice to be found in the house of God during the time of prayer.

The hands and the feet only function in accordance with the signals that are transmitted from the head. 

Last night, for some unknown reason, I decided to try the keyboard again, after many years of absence.  Quite rusty though but  felt good, at least from the comments I received. 

It had also been an hectic week. Many house and hospital  visitations. One house in particular, smote us with much pain and shock. This family with a seven year old daughter, has been living on porridge because of their difficult situation. It was quite unbelievable to even think that such situations exists in affluent Singapore. There are many people in this rich country with so many problems which alone money cannot solve. Only Jesus. And that is why the church cannot sit on its laurels. It needs to get out and be there where the need really is. That's what Jesus did and that's what we should do. 

I am glad for the some in pec with this passion. May God honour them. 


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