The construction of the Shadrach home is halfway through. The construction has been hampered by bad weather. God willing it will be completed by Jan 11. Currently Pst John Signey, our Coordinator for Tamil Nadu and Orissa, is processing the adoption of 20 boys. The process should be completed by mid Feb 2011. The purpose of this Home is to train and groom the missionaries of the future. If the Lord tarries, the plan is to send these boys as missionaries to Europe in the future.
I am inviting you to partner with us in this project. It costs only USD 40 a month to upkeep one child in the Home. This is a long term investment but one that pays dividents in God's kingdom. We will provide the necessary training and upbringing to ensure that these men are transformed from street kids to the Shadrachs, Meshachs, Abednegos and Daniels of the future. Do let me know if you intend to "adopt" one of these boys.
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