Promise verse for Jun 2021 - Isaiah 30:15

Bro Rubern shared on this verse during the 6:30AM communion service which we do in the beginning of the month. A very appropriate verse for the season we are in. 

There are times when we need to forcefully defend, like when Jesus had to throw down the trading centers in the temple. But there are time when we need to remain silent (quietness), like when Jesus was silent before His accusers.

In times like this, when we don't seem to have answers to all the events around us, when circumstances overwhelm us, when accusations crisscross our paths, when trails are too hard to bear, it's always natural to retaliate, fightback and show our true colours. We probably may gain some ground in doing so, but he flip side is we would have soiled our hands, unintended words would have been revealed, smeared ours and others reputation, and inevitably  brought disrepute to the Name of Jesus. The sad part, after the episode, we justify our actions. I for one am guilty as shared. 

But this verse is a good reminder for us and me in particular that retaliation is not often the good "modus operanti". It's prudent to take the advise of the prompting of the Holy Spirit in this verse and be quiet.

While being quiet is good but that in itself is not wholesome. Another important factor is our trust in God. "In quietness and in trust", that's the catchphrase. The combination of both is the secret to our strength to face the current realities and challenges. 

Is this possible?  I think so. Our Lord and set us the example: 

Isaiah 53:7He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth;

When we allow the Holy Spirit to take full control of our lives and the fruit of the Spirit become radiantly visible, being quiet and trusting God will be a breeze. May the Lord give us the wisdom, the discernment and the will to be silent in these times and totally trust Him to handle, vindicate and bring resolution.


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