PEC's last day before major renovation
Today marks the last day of PEC's building before we go into a massive renovation work. We had a good combined service this morning. The awesome presence of the Holy Spirt brooded over the end of the service as we began to dedicate ourselves to the Lord. It was just like old times.
Over the years we had tried to renovate the church on many occasions but failed to get the necessary approval from the authorities. But this year we managed to get the approval and I believe that this is God's timing and plan. "He made all things beautiful in His time (Ecc 3:11)
As I set at the back row, I noticed a few things that reminded me of the faithfulness of God. A few of the 3th generation (Jude and Chloe) were on the instruments. The worship leaders (Punitha and Jonathan)were from the 2nd generation. The speaker, Pst Alvin is from the 2nd generation and I closed the service as a representative of the first generation. This was not planned at all. You may think this is chance but to me it is the mighty work of God.
I have been in the church board for the last 41 years. I have seen everything that a church body will go through. The joys, the tears, the fears, you name it I have seen it. There were times when people said PEC will close down. All kinds of negative names were associated with the church due to the failure of some. Some waited for it to be dissolved and some even tried to split the church. Don't touch the church of God because she is the bride of Christ.
But one thing has been consistent. Jesus is the foundation of the church. Many will come and many will go but the Lord remains because this is His bride. PEC is the apple of God's eye. As someone said, PEC has given birth to so many churches in the mission field. She has indeed been a blessing. Many times the enemy tried to destroy the church, but the "gates of hell will not prevail against the church of God" (Mat 16:18).
Another important lesson - No one is indispensable. When some talented people leave the church, we often thing that a vacuum is left behind. My experiences tells me the God has His reserves. He has never left Himself without a witness. He always raises someone greater and better for the future.
But one thing has been consistent. Jesus is the foundation of the church. Many will come and many will go but the Lord remains because this is His bride. PEC is the apple of God's eye. As someone said, PEC has given birth to so many churches in the mission field. She has indeed been a blessing. Many times the enemy tried to destroy the church, but the "gates of hell will not prevail against the church of God" (Mat 16:18).
Another important lesson - No one is indispensable. When some talented people leave the church, we often thing that a vacuum is left behind. My experiences tells me the God has His reserves. He has never left Himself without a witness. He always raises someone greater and better for the future.
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My younger days |
I am thankful that the Lord has kept me alive to see the next phase of the PEC. I have no regrets staying back while many good people chose to go elsewhere. I feel sad for some who have left, but I believe we are all part of His glorious plan, As my friend, LT Jeyachandran said, "all our small stories will merge into His big story" and when we get over the other shore, we will see the Big Picture. Why some left and why it was necessary for some to leave.... (Big Picture)
For the next 4-5 months we will be worshiping at Tung Ling Bible School and I look forward to returning to a new environment.
Last Sunday I spoke on Caleb, a man with a different spirit. Today I am reminded of the following verses in Joshua 14:10-11
“Now then, just as the Lord promised, he has kept me alive for forty-five years since the time he said this to Moses, while Israel moved about in the wilderness. So here I am today, eighty-five years old! 11 I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out; I’m just as vigorous to go out to battle now as I was then.12 Now give me this hill country that the Lord promised me that day. You yourself heard then that the Anakites were there and their cities were large and fortified,but, the Lord helping me, I will drive them out just as he said.”
Hmmm. Greater things in store??
Fond memories, exceptional experiences and a wonderful family. To God be the glory.
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