Trip to Medan

Finally arrived at the airport and looking forward to going back home. I desperately need to sleep. 

It was a four hectic days of training and revival meetings in Medan. Sis Evelyn Tan, a missionary to Indonesia, arranged the  meetings for me. The program started early in the morning and by the time I got back to rest it was almost midnight. Everyday was like that.
Equip Notebook 2 training at GSJA Kadosh, 
I conducted Equip Leadership Program, Note Book 2 at Pst Margaret's church for two days. About 22 participants attended the classes. My interpreter , was God sent, A brother by the name of Daniel. He seems to know Pst Joel Ikonene and Bro Bala. They were in Medan in the early 1980's. We thank God for providing us with help in the right time.
Equip Notebook Training at Gereja Siding Jemaat Allah
I also conducted Equip Leadership Program,  Notebook 1 in Pst Lider's church, Gereja Siding Jemaat Allah. This was about 1 hr drive from Medan town centre. Most of the participants were pastors. They were very enthusiastic and participated very well. Many testified how blessed they were with the training. It seems there is a demand for leadership training in many parts of Sumatra. 

It was good to receive reports from previous participants how their churches grew after the leadership training.

In the evening I was taken to four different churches to conduct revival meetings. Witnessed a mighty move of the Holy Spirit in all the meetings. Have not seen such move in a long time. You can sense the hunger for God in these people. It was Pentecost all over again.
Gsja Desa Manunggal
Gsja Efrata Sukadono


Even children and teens were weeping at the alter. Praise God for the wave of revival in Sumatra.

Praise God for the opportunities to minister to His people in Medan.  Specially thankful for the strength to endure these four days. I was blessed myself.

Now working towards starting a new church planters' training program in Medan. It will be under another organization. 


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