Tamil Nadu Church Planters graduation
Bro Rubern and I arrived Chennai at about 8AM. From there we drove about four hours to Veerapandy, Villipuram. This is where Pst Thomas church is. We were greeted by Pst Thomas and the faculty.
I was surprised to see the renovation to the church. We dedicated the church in 2014. Pst Thomas and his family, using they own funds have extended the building, put good flooring and are in the process of constructing the second floor. The Church Planters Training Program is connected in this church.
After the introduction I addressed the church planters and the faculty. Spoke to them from Jeremiah 17:8 on being a fruitful tree.It was heartwarming to know that Pst Thomas although he does not have much eduction, has the passion for the Great Commission. Although the whole program was not up to my satisfaction, this man had done all that he possibly can, with the listed resources given to him. I have asked Bro Rubern to fine tune the system.
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Pst Thomas and family |
Then we adjourned to Pst Thomas house for lunch. It was a joy to meet his wife and the two lovely children. As I sat in the house I began to recollect how this couple were when they started the ministry. I remember we visit then in 2011 and they were a discord lot. But today, because of their faithfulness, God has blessed them bountifully. God honors those who are faithful. Those who are after money and fame will be cast by the wayside.
The church planters graduation was in the evening. About hundred people gathered for the ceremony. The program was simple and I spoke on the Serving the Lord wth the Right Principles. All of a sudden there was a big thunderstorm.They had not seen rain in the last six months and it was really heavy with strong winds that even the tent outside was blown away. water was coming into the church as well but people were happy to see the rain.
I was blessed to be there and to see the work of God growing in Tamil Nadu, in spite of many challenges. Praise God.
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