Great outing today

Probably the first sunrise service in more than 20 years. We decided to have the first of the month morning prayer at the Sembawang Park at 6:00AM. Because of transportation problems we were quite doubtful if people will come to the park so early. 

"But ye of little faith..." About 70 turned up for the prayer. God really embarrassed us. Some already told us they will not be able  to make it. Some even had negative comments.....but, "Be  still"

Sis Christina led the worship and Bro Babu James' brother David from Delhi, shared the Promise verse. It was taken from Isaiah 40:30-31 -"Even the youths shall be exhausted, and the young men will all give up. But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

He said that in order to fly high like an eagle we need the following five Ws:
  • Will - the desire to soar like an eagle.
  • Wind -  the Holy Spirit
  • Wings -  A balance in every thing
  • Workout - spiritual growth
  • And be careful of weather (attacks of the enemy)

It was a very practical sharing. We had the communion and after that Jeya and her girls led us in aerobics.

We almost got into trouble over breakfast but some quick thinking by the F&B team saved the day.  Breakfast was delayed but it arrived. Pheew!!!

After breakfast we had some team bonding games. We were blessed by the Word and also by the great fellowship. We should do this more often. To God be the glory.


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