Praise God for giving us the opportunity to go on this trip. 10 members from Praise Evangelical church joined Jeya and myself on this trip. We departed on 22nd Mar evening for Kaniyakumari District. Another four friends from Singapore joined us on 24th Mar 11. Pst John Signey, our coordinator for South India, and his wife were at the airport to receive us. Our AP Coordinator, Bishop Nehemiah was also present on the trip.
The trip was strewn with disturbances. First, on arrival, one of the members was deported due to visa problems. However Sis Eve sorted our her visa and returned on 25th Mar. Then there were times when the vehicles were late and delayed our programs. "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ", we were able to overcome these obstacles and achieve our objectives.
We conducted 2 days of Leadership and Evangelism Seminar for the church planters. About 3o church planters and 20 others attended the seminar. Pastor Steven, Bro Ho and myself shared in the sessions. Pastor Steven spoke on prayer and stewardship while I addressed Leadership issues. Bro Ho spoke on the mission of the church. The ladies who came shared in the Ladies Meeting on 23rd Mar. My wife Jeya was the key speaker. On 25 th Mar morning, the ladies conducted a children's program for the kid.
We also participated in two gospel meetings conducted in the evenings.

The highlight of the visit was the dedication of the Shadrach Home. About 200 people gathered for the dedication. Doreen Lim who was initiated this project was there with her husband Dr Lim to commission the opening. Chandra a cooperate lawyer and Ronnie from the Healing Room was also present. Dr Reji and Surresh, two of the recent graduates from HI Maui made the effort to come there. Also present was Samuel Premkumar, a senior civil servant and an HI alumni, who traveled overnight by train from Chennai, to be there. It was really a reunion of some HI alumni. Right now we have adopted 13 boys and the number will be increased to 20 soon.

Ronnie shared the "Father's Letter" and prayed for each of the boys. Pst Steven dedicated the Home for the raising of our future missionaries.

The other main event was the gradu

ation of the 18 church planters who had been undergone training at the PEC Ecclecia Training Centre. More than 300 people attended the ceremony. What a joy to see these young men on passion to serve in the villages. After the ceremony Ronnie prayed for those who needed healing and many people were healed.
Praise God.
We rounded our visit by some teaching session to the students by Ronnie and Chandra on 26th Mar. The Spirit of God moved powerfully during the sessions. That night we left for home, full of "new vine".
I really praise God for his mercy and favour. I am really grateful to Pst John Signey and his team for the great work they are doing on the ground. I am also thankful to Dr Lim, Mrs Doreen Lim, Chandra and Ronnie for coming and for being a blessing to our workers. Thanks to Dr Regi and his wife, Suresh and Sameul Premkumar, HI Alumni for taking the trouble to come for this occasion. I am truly indebted to Pastor K Steven, without whose support and counsel, we would not have come thus far. Thanks to all who contributed and remembered us in prayer.
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