Gospel Meeting in a village in Kerala

During the mission trip, we conducted two nights of gospel meetings on 23 and 24 Mar 11 in a distant village in Kerala. It was a very unusual setting. Open -air and surrounded by trees. It was like having a secret meeting in the jungle. More than 300 people attended the meetings. Pst Steven spoke on the first night and I spoke on the second. Our team sang a song and some gave their testimonies. Many accepted Christ and many Christians recommitted their lives to the Lord. Certainly a new experience for our team. Praise God. "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field". Luke 10:2


  1. Dear friend,

    God is using you in a great way. Keep going friend.

    I miss you and all of my batch friends.
    Send my best regards to your family.

    God bless

    Andrew from Korea

  2. People worry about the diminishing part of Christianity in American culture. I tell them "even if it does fade here it will grow and strengthen somewhere else. This is a good example of the gospel rising. It's comforting to see.


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