Ministry Updates
Its good to be back home. God is good. Like all the other participants from Asia, I relished local delights, fish sambal, Nasi Lemak and my favourite Teh- halia. I hope there is Indian food in Heaven.
From 22-27 Mar, a larg
10 students are undergoing training in the PEC Tribal Training Centre in Rajmaondry District. They are expected to complete in June. Currently we are using a pastor's house to run the program. We are looking to purchase a small building to run this school. It will cost about $6000.
23 participants are in session in PEC School of Ministry in Jaigon. They will graduate in 7th April. A team from Singapore will be here for the graduation. The second story of the building is under construction. We need funds to finish the completion.
PEC Great Commission Training Centre will commence sessions in April, God willing.
We are prayerfully looking at starting another training centre in Chitoor District, AP to train more men as church planters to reach the lost.
Please pray for all these requests. You too can be part of this great vision. If you feel led to participate or contribute to the above, please let me know. Luke 10:2 - He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.
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