Report from the Himalayas

The following report was given by our Coordinator in North East India, Pst Samuel Sharma.

By God's grace in March 2010 we started church planting pioneering work in Bhutan with seven Church planters under the banner of PEC Singapore. After much difficulty and hard work, we saw the fruits of our labour

Phurba and Dil bahadur (our co-workers) worked in the south western regions of Bhutan, and they are doing tremendous work, traveling from village to village sharing the gospel, they faced alot of obstacles, since the country doesn't allow the conversion and it is against the law.

Phurba had started the cell in a place called Khanna Bhatti which is in the same district while Dil Bahadur started another work in Chengmari. By God's grace both the cells are growing.

Another cell started in Rangetung in Pasakha Bhutan under Chukha District by Martha Rai. Martha is a simple lady but very effective. On 23 Jul after five months of hard work, she will be baptising seven people. Friends its very hard to win souls in Bhutan.

There is another sister, Sis. Shanti Rai, who is working in Gurung dara which is also Chukha district. She has just started the work and travelling from place to place seeking the lost for the Lord. The help they are getting is not enough for their living but, thank God, they are not grumbling.

Dilip is also preparing some men and women to join the fellowship.

Issack Tamang and Arjun Chettri are doing their best to do work in a better way.

Please pray for them. They are from the village and face criticisms and accusations from the people living in the society. Therefore please pray for each one of them.

Thank you.

Rev Samu
el Sharma


  1. Ye christian soldiers,
    rules against the foes in vales below,let all our strength be hurled;
    Faith is the victory we know,
    that overcomes the world

    John H Yates (1832-1900)


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