Last weekend Jeya and I were in Jasin, Melaka. The last time I was there was when I was a kid. My grandmother came from there and we had some relatives there at that time. I can't remember any of the places, except that they were using the "hole in the ground" for toilets. I suffered by not going to the so called toilets.

This time we were invited by Rev Abraham Vakaran, Senior Pastor of Glorious Life Assembly of God to minster to the church. I got acquainted with Pst Abraham through sister Evelyn Tan, when we met in Medan for a series of meetings. Sis Evelyn has been instrumental in many of our connections. She is one person who is totally sold out for the Lord and His cause.
Pst Abraham is a gentle and humble man of God. Both he and his wife Ruth are totally committed to the Great Commission and the Kingdom of God. We were amazed by their testimonies in ministry for the Lord and how they had laboured as missionaries in Timor Leste. In spite of their age, they are serving the Lord faithfully.
We drove to Jasin. The last time I drove in Malaysia (long distance) was many moons ago. The North-South Highway has not changed much but I enjoyed the greenery and the vast space, overshadowed by the mountains and hills in the horizon. Sometimes we take these sights for granted. But they remind us of our Creator, brilliant in all that He has created.
It took us about 2.5 hrs to reach our destination. I was tempted many times to break the speed limits but alas with a "traffic warden" by my side, even the angels would have failed. 😄 But at times the warden was asleep and I felt like Hamilton. 😂 (There always a child in man!!!)
I liked Jasin. Laid back, less traffic, less people, terribly cheap. Reminded me of Singapore in the 70's. The people in the shops and stalls were polite, helpful and courteous.
Saturday evening was a ladies meeting and Jeya shared on the "Right use of Words". About 50 ladies were present. It was a good message for the ladies and even for me.
I spoke in two services on Sunday. The first service was in the morning in Jasin. To my horror, I found that no one can translate English to Tamil reasonably well. Most of the members are "Tamil educated" and hardly understood English. And so I was "forced" to preach in Tamil.
This is the first time in my life that I preached in Tamil. It was very colloquial and I struggled a bit. But somehow the Holy Spirit got the message across to the people. Many people came forward for prayer after the service.
The second service was held in the evening in another estate called Durian Tunggal, which was about 20 mins drive from Jasin. It was their branch work, also a Tamil congregation. Pastor Vasu and his wife are overseeing this work. They are very fervent for the Lord. About 60 people came for the service. We had a great time worshipping and ministering the Word, in Tamil of course.
We were blessed to be there. Although the people were simple and had nothing much to boast about, they too are the children of God and the way the worshipped and sang in the presence of God was simply awesome. From children to adults, all soaked in God's presence. Totally the reverse from our "sophisticated and educated" congregations. The scriptures put it the right perspective:
Psalms 8:2 - Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger.
Now back in Singapore and travelling to Klang this coming weekend.
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