Salvation and yet persecution in Odisha

 I received the following report from Bishop Anjan in Odisha this morning.

"Praise the Lord sir . This group of people have newly accepted Jesus. They are completely ostracised from their society. They are not allowed to draw water from the well in the village. 

Last week a young married man, from this group died. No one from the village helped. Some of our church planters went there and helped to bury the young man.  

Sir, the new christians are asking us to help them dig a well to supply drinking water. This may cost about 25to30 thousand rupees.  

Dear sir we are earnestly praying and requesting you to do something for these new christians . The young boy (on bed) was sick for many years now after prayer, he was miraculously healed and is a strong believer in Christ.

Please pray for all of them sir. Thank you sir”

After reading this report, I was broken. Even today there is so much persecution for christians in these areas. This village in in the district of Kandhamal. It was the same place where Graham Stains and his two sons were martyred. Inspire of the persecution, many are coming to know Christ.

I put the request in my church group and immediately there was a couple who responded to sponsor the well. Praise God

Bishop Anjan said that through this well, they can make inroads to the village and see many people to come Christ.

Sometimes I wonder how many christians can sit comfortably in their churches and yet never invest in God's kingdom by sowing in missions. The harvest is indeed plentiful and these church planters are working very hard to end gospel poverty. I pray that God will stir the hearts of christians to take the challenge to end gospel poverty in this world. 


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