Missions Update

 Covid19 seems to have slowed down our movement but God is still on the throne. In spite of the prevailing conditions the work of evangelism and soul winning is still moving forward. I am so happy to hear that many baptisms have been reported this month in Tamil Nadu, NE India, Nepal and in Andhra Pradesh. 

Baptism in Andhra Pradesh
Our church planters are taking the gospel to unreached areas with the intention of ending gospel poverty. Churches are gathering in small numbers, taking the necessary precautions to avoid Covid19.

Baptism in Nepal.

Odisha, Chhattisgarh and Bihar are also planning to conduct baptism services next month. 

Two churches are completed and are for dedication. One in Odisha and one in Chhattisgarh. One more church is undergoing construction in Tamil. Nadu.

Church building ready for dedication in Odisha
Please continue to pray for the protection of our church planters and their families. Declare Psalms 91 over all our churches in the mission field. God is indeed doing great and rightly things, even when the enemy tries to follow His plans. It all turns out for good.

We thank God for all His faithful servant and all sponsors and prayer warriors, without whose support we will not be able to accomplish much. To God be the glory.


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