Glad news.

Two years ago, I encouraged HighPointe Church in Klang, Malaysia, to launch out to do mission work. I introduced them to my good friends Rahul John and his brother Depark who are working in Agra, India. 

Soon a partnership was established between these two and I was joyful when I read the following posting in fb this mooning bu one of the leaders in HighPointe.

In just two short years we have seen God do amazing things through simple faith and humble beginnings since opening doors for us in India. 10 churches established and lives transformed through the love of God and the power of the Gospel. Spending time with them this last one week has reaffirmed how simple obedience in love and faith can yield much fruit for the Kingdom."

The above is one of their churches. Truly  joy unspeakable. o Him alone be the Glory.


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