Ministry in Jaigaon

With students at PEC School of Ministry

The last two days were spent teaching the students in PEC School of Ministry. There are 17 students, mostly from the NE Indian regions. Jeya taught them on the Wilderness Experience and George on Leadership and Discipleship. 
PEC Jaijaon
We also visited a new PEC church started in Jaigaon. This was their regular prayer meeting. About 25 people gathered for the service. It was so exciting to see this new PEC church gathering in a house. Bishop Samuel is looking after this work. I am told that on Sunday morning the place is filled and people will be sitting outside the house. To God be the glory. 

On the second day we had a short program for kids living in the vicinity of the training school. This is a new project Bishop Samuel Sharma has launched. The aim is to reach the children by providing them with tuition. We had about 20 children. Jeya taught them a new song and also told them a story. There is a good potential to reach out to the many families living in the vicinity of the training center. 

Today we are set to return back to Singapore. Praising God for allowing us once again to see and participate in this part of the mission field


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