2nd day Patna

We started the day with devotion again. I shared on "Rejoicing in trials", text taken from 1 Peter 1:6-9. In the afternoon we had a baptism service for about 15 people. Our church planter Wilson from the first batch brought 8 people from the village to be baptized. These are the first fruits of their labour. Another church planter Raju was also supposed to bring his people for baptism but they could not make it in time. 6 of the boys in the training program also took water baptism. After the baptism I served communion for the people. In the evening was the graduation of the Diploma of Theology program, conducted under PEC Training Centre. It was very well organized. Although simple, it was well dignified. I praise God for Ps Raji his wife Renu for the hard work in the ministry. In spite of so many challenges, they had reminded faithful. The Lord is blessing their work.