3 church dedications

It was a hectic day, 9th Mar. We had three church dedications. The first church dedication was at a village called Military colony in Mehboobabad District, Telangana State. After our morning devotion and breakfast we departed for the first church dedication, which took us five hours to reach. It was in a very remote village. About 50 people gathered for the dedication. The worship was vibrant and sincere. Bro Albert shared the Word on John 3:16 and 1 John 3:16, Preach and practice God’s love.

No lunch and the team survived on biscuits. We traveled another two hours for the next church dedication. This was in Tekulapally in Khamman District. By the time we arrived here it was about 4:30 pm and the people have been waiting since 1 pm. It was a grand celebration. The people mostly tribal, were so hospitable. More than a hundred people had gathered initially but some had left because of the late hour and problems with transportation. It was indeed a joy to see how simple people worshipped God with true sincerity. Sis Josephine shared the Word from Psalms 103; “Don’t forget God’s benefits” and Sis Catherine shared her testimony. We were indeed blessed to see what God is doing through PEC’s church planting efforts.

After the service, we drove more than an hour for the 3rd church dedication. It was in a village called Elvadam in Krishna District. By the time we arrived it was about 8pm and more than 100 people were waiting for us. Our hearts rejoiced to see the work of God in the lives of these people. The people freely worshipped God from their hearts. Pst Pathi shared the Word xxx and many responded to the message.

By the time we finished the service it was pitch dark. It was a long ride back to our hotel. We reached at 2:30 am, early in the morning. Tired in the body but refreshed in the spirit.


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