Its still the most important job

Saving souls for the Kingdom of God. It was heart warming to see the pictures of people getting baptized in Odisha, especially from the districts of Rayagada and Khandamal. Khandamal was the place which witnessed violent persecution of Christians some years ago. Today PEC Church planters are moving in to the same places to preach the gospel. The blood of the martyrs are never wasted. They cry out to God, not for distraction but for the salvation of the souls. Christians all around the world should wake up, see the need for global evangelizing and the need to reach the unreached. I am of the opinion that all the prophetic conferences, and many of that nature, are a distraction to keep Christians focused on the main thing, "The Great Commission". Think about it. Resources should be channelled correctly to where the need is most. If only all the money used for unnecessary conferences, alumni get together-and meetings necessary for feel good emotions, I th...