Shadrach Home - Myanmar


1.         Praise Evangelical Church, Singapore, has established children homes in Tamil Nadu and in Ordisha, India.  The purpose is to provide poor and needy children, mostly orphans, with both secular and spiritual education so that they will become useful citizens in their country. Now we are working to adopt another such home in Thant Yan  village in the Northern Shan State in  Myanmar.

2.              This Home in Myanmar was started by Ms Khaw Shin in 2014. After her graduation from theological school, in 2010,  she went to the Wa Region, near the China border. This region is completely controlled by local communist-armed group and is back up by China politically. She went there  as a school teacher and was there till 2014.

3.              Unfortunately, she and her other teachers were falsely accused of playing politics against the local communist armed group. Some of her co-workers were put into prison and persecuted physically for months. And finally they are forced to leave with no reasons given.
4              As Khaw Shin and her other tachers were leaving, the parents of her school children begged her that she would take their children along with her since they knew that their children had no future in the Wa region. Most of the kids there end up in the drugs trade or join the resistence force.. So, she and one of her coworkers de ided to bring 20 selected school children to That Yan village in Northen Shan State. Here there is proper government administration and a good opportunity to raise these kids. Soon other children were added and now they have 29 children.  Khaw Shin does not have any regular support and depends on friends to run this Home.


5.         Having visited and duly investigated the background of this Home, Praise Evangelical Church, Singapore, has undertaken to adopt this project. The Home will be called Shadrah Home – Myanmar.

Mission Statement

6.         Shadrach Home seeks to glorify God by caring for children of all communities in regard to their spiritual, educational, physical and social development to make them responsible adults who will be effective in their lives as well as their service to humankind.

7.         The aim is to give protection, parental care and Christian love to the most  needed   children of our society.


8.         The purpose is to nurture the children in God’s love and thereby to train them with all talents which would be used for Christian ministry.

Financial Support

9.       The Home will be funded by sponsors and well-wishers. We don’t have a regular sponsor for this Home and are looking for like-minded people to partner with us in sponsoring any amount for this cause.  Currently the cost of running this Home is about $600 (Sing) a month. This is excluding other costs, like clothes, shoes, toiletries and others.


10       We trust that God will enable us to fulfill the vision that that these children will grow up to be men and woman who will do their best for society.


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