Praising God for another wonderful trip

At the beach in Vizag before processing to the airport Jeya and I, together with Bro Rubern retuned home yesterday after a wonderful trip to Orissa. We witnessed two church dedications in remote places in Rayagada District. It was heartening to see how PEC sponsored church planters are moving into interior parts of Orrisa to plant churches. We moved into Orissa on the Lord's prompting, in spite of resistance from many people. But today when we see the fruits, I know it was all worth it. When we respond to His bidding with full commitment, He ensures the results. 1st church dedication in Juba The church dedications were held with much fanfare and celebration. The people were simply overjoyed for their new buildings. We saw an increase in the number of people this time. It is encouraging to see many getting saved and more young people responding to the call to plant churches. 2nd church dedication in Canedi It was a long drive to the secon...