Dry bones can live

Ezekiel 37:5 - This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life.

This was not just a dead situation but a situation, way beyond death; bones that were dried up. The physical realm says its an impossible situation; the mental realm says faith cannot work here; the spiritual realm says never worked before.

But the Lord asks the prophet, "Can these bones live". Probably in the eyes of men, this may even be a stupid question or a question with an obvious answer. Even the prophet dared not answer in the affirmative. But not so for God.

"I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life."
What an amazing God. Even in a dead situation there can be life. There is no situation that He cannot handle. With God in the equation there is no dead situation.

1.   God used a man to proclaim life.   God, in most cases, uses a human vessel to accomplish his purposes. Ez 22:30 - “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one. There is always a God-man partnership in any projects God undertakes. He is looking for a man who is sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit and willing to anything at His bidding, even though it may look utterly foolish in the eyes of men. It happened to the prophets and it happened even to Jesus.

2.   Man needs to act in faith.   "So I prophesied as I was commanded." It took courage and faith for the prophet to do what the Lord told him. Cn you imagine speaking to a bunch of try bones. Totally absurd. But that was what God commanded the prophet. Many times the experiences that we go through or the things the Lord asks us to do may not make sense to us at that moment. It made no sense to Mary and Martha when Jesus said to remove the stone from Lazarus grave. But when we obey, we see the glory of God, in its power and splendour..

3.   Sometimes healing is a process.   First there was the noise, then the bones came together, then the tendons, skin and finally the breath. Many times, we expect an instantanoues answer, and God does provide answers instantaneously. However there are time when He leads us through the quiet waters and through the paths of righteousness for HIs name's sake. If we believe God is in control, let us give Him the control.

4.   There is always a purpose for what God does.  "Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it". God has a divine purpose for everything He does in our lives. He blesses us so that we will be a blessings; so that Hs name is glorified; so that people will come to know Him.

Its 3.30AM and as usual jet-lag. We leave VA today, trusting God for a miracle for Smita. There is no God like Jehovah.

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