District Pastors Meetings in Davao City, Philippines

I thank God for the privilege to be part of the Conference. I was there at the invitation of Pastor Daniel Feleco. The conference was held from 25-27 Sep at the Foursquare Gospel Church in Davao City. More than 500 pastors and leaders attend the conference. The theme of the conference was "Fulfilling the Great Commission together". I was given five sessions and I shared on the Biblical Mandate to Evangelize and on the topic "Who I am in Christ". It was a fulfilling time to minister to the pastors and leaders from the Mindanao Region. It was a blessing to be with Pst Daniel Feleco and his family who were excellent hosts.They have such a passion for the Lord and it is contagious. On the way back, met Dr Joey and his family in Manila and they hosted me to a great lunch and a exhilarating drive around Manila. Praise God for His mercy and favor.