Urgent trip to Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
My brother Kumar was diagnosed with liver cancer a few weeks ago and is undergoing chemo treatment. Together with my mom, we left Spore on 23 Nov to visit him. Doctors have said that my brother is responding well to the treatment. He has still another three rounds of chemo treatment to go. Thanks to all who have been praying for us. It was encouraging to see him in high spirits and to meet Smita and Manisha. Their faith is strong. Manisha is really growing fast and she is smart.
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Since it was thanksgiving season, it was turkey for three days in a row. I told Smita, if its going to be turkey again, I am fasting. Thank God, my mom cooked spicy Indian chicken curry.... I pray that Indians will be the cooks in heaven.
Surprise, surprise. Jessica made a surprise visit from Aruba to meet us. I was shocked when she stood at the door. What a joy. She has really grown. I drove my brother's car and Jessica was like..."watch it... you are too close to the curb....have you forgotten your driving. Papa let me take over..." You know in America, they drive on the wrong side of the road. (lol)
My brother's friend, Sekar, took me to Williamsbrug, about 40 mins drive from Virginia Beach. It was a scenic drive and Williamsburg is rich in history and heritage. I was amazed to see the Williams and Mary College, part of the British heritage. Sekar treat me to a good steak dinner.
I left Virginia Beach at 10.30AM by bus. Weather was cold and raining. It took nine hours to reach New York. During the ride I was able to talk to a young man sited next to me about Jesus. He was from Trinidad. He said that his fiance was a strong Hindu and her father a Hindu priest in Trinidad. I passed him the book, Walking from East to West by Ravi Zacharias, to be given to his fiance. (I always make it a point to carry some christian literate with me so that I can give it to some people the Spirit will impress me on). While on the cab from Chinatown, Manhattan, I passed a tract to the cab driver. I believe that the Spirit will speak to these people who have received the book and tract.
Twelve hours flight from New York to Doha. Now waiting for the next connect which is in seven hours time.
It has been a good time of reflection and waiting on the Lord. Dreaded at the thought of returning to Spore but these were the words the Lord gave:
Be still and know I am God.
God is in control.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord
God is in control.
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord
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