Another church attacked in AP - Update
The following is a report by Pst Nehemiah, our AP Coordinator.
"Respected sir..
"Respected sir..
Around 1pm, during Sunday service all the church closed eyes and worshiping Lord.. Suddenly 4 persons age under 22-26 years carrying stones in their hands and covered their faces with mask and entered in to the church from the both the doors .. With in 2 or 3 minutes time they throne the stones on the heads and ran away .. Because of the fear all the congregation ran out..
Lot of blood shed inside the church...Hundreds of people gathered after the incident.. Pst. Bangaru, Bro. Shekar, 9 years girl Joanna and one more girl seriously injured.. Pst. Bangaru's head injured 2 places and doctors put 8 stitches on his head. Top level Police Officers visited with the Dog squad.. They have given protection at Hospital and at the church..
Lot of blood shed inside the church...Hundreds of people gathered after the incident.. Pst. Bangaru, Bro. Shekar, 9 years girl Joanna and one more girl seriously injured.. Pst. Bangaru's head injured 2 places and doctors put 8 stitches on his head. Top level Police Officers visited with the Dog squad.. They have given protection at Hospital and at the church..
All electronic and Print media covered the news and all the Government officers town pastors, local political leaders are visiting hospital and supporting the injured persons...
After one Christmas programme around 2:20am I visited them in Nalgonda Hospital and prayed for them and I am travelling back to Hyderabad.. Monday evening we have meeting in Srisailam in Kurnool district..
Pl. Cont. Pray sir .. No turning back.. We all are ready to face any thing.. Until our last breath we work hard for the Kingdom of God.. Thanks for all your support sir...

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