Two years on....Dad
Was at the beach at 6.00AM, near the place where we laid our Dad's bones to rest. It has been two years since he left. It was drizzling lightly, the path muddy and soggy due to the December rains. Could not go on the 17th Dec due to work and the bad weather. Found a spot to sit and reflect. I thanked God for the memories, for my Dad's life and reminiscent how he loved the Lord. A vacuum indeed but replaced by the surpassing mercies of His Highness. No tongue can tell, no voice proclaim, his blessings He has bestowed. His mercies are new every morning. Need I ask for more. I will ask no more, my Lord and my Life.
As dawn began to break through the cloudy skies, a light kept flashing in the distance. The disdain form a familiar song began to ring as I looked across the waters.
Let the lower lights be burning!
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor struggling, fainting seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
Send a gleam across the wave!
Some poor struggling, fainting seaman
You may rescue, you may save.
Death is only the beginning of eternity. God help me do all I can to save those , who would otherwise spent eternity - LOST.

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