Looking back at 2011

2011 has indeed been the best and the worst year in my entire life. As far as ministry is concern it is the best. I look back now at 2011 amazingly, I can testify that this has been a most fruitful year for me personally. I have learnt to engage with the Lord in wonderfully new ways. My walk with Him has been excitingly fresh and the Lord has been so wonderful. By God’s grace we were able to impact the lives of many people from all over the world, through our mission work in India and Bhutan and through Haggai Institute. Many church planting movements are springing up in Indonesia, Malaysia and India as a result.

In the mission field we were able to extend our work to Orissa and the three NE states. We were able to bring the gospel to more people than we can ever imagine. Many trained as church planters. The Lord opened doors for church meetings in the US, Malaysia, India, Nepal and Indonesia. There were opportunities that I had to turn down because I felt so inadequate.

But it did not come easy. There has been a lot of sacrifice and commitment that is transparent to most eyes. Yet it was the Lord's doing.Worst because we handled the most painful crisis in the church. The word trust became an illusion. Many hurts, many wounded and the church almost at the verge of a split. "But I thank God, who always leads us in victory because of Christ." Nevertheless, we press on, like Paul said, "Towards the high calling that is set before us".

God is amazing. I have no words to describe His awesome grace and mercy upon me. 2012 is going to be even more exciting. Dare to dream.


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