I returned home yesterday, tired but satisfied. It was amazing to see how the church planting work is growing in the villages. Indeed God is using PEC to establish many new cells, churches in the villages in AP. Together with Pst Nehemiah, our AP coordinator, we covered many events for God's glory. Some of the key events of the visit are as follows:

We met all our pastors and key leaders on 19 Jan in Rasoolpura for a time of briefing and vision casting for 2010. It was good to see our workers on fore for God.
Travelled by night train to Vizag and on 20 Jan participated in a RAE Team Leader's chrch meeting. Many people attended the meeting. Pst Joshua has shown the Jesus film in many of the villages in Vizag district.

On 21 Jan conducted a one day Evangelism and Leadership Seminar in Araku Valley, near the Orissa Border for 50 tribal pastors from the Valley and Orrissa. It was heart breaking to hear the stories of persecution by the Orissa pastors. Many pastors testified how they were blessed and charged by the seminar to become witnesses for Christ.

On 22 Jan visited a church in Orissa that was affected by the persecution. Although the building was broken down the spirit of the believers remained strong. Had a time of prayer with them. God willing we want to support some of these pastors affected by the persecution.

Conducted two church dedications in the villages in Rampachodavaram Agency. These churches were planters by a pastor who had attended our Evangelism seminar. The villages were not accessible by road and we had to wade through a river in the night to reach one of them. The people were simple and the church structure was a simple shed with not much facilities. But the worship and praise was awesome. You have to be there to witness it. They were hungry for God and His word.
On 23 Jan, we dedicated a prayer tower in Kakinada District. Thereafter we visited 8 church planting efforts all over Kakinada. Praise God for our church planters who are working in difficult grounds in challenging conditions. I was there to witness it first hand. May God bless all these efforts to establish His kingdom.
On Sunday, spoke in Rasoolpura, PEC sister church. The church is expanding. Many new comers to the service.
All glory to God.
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