2010 - Launching into the deep

While meditating on the Word and asking God for directions for the year 2010, the Spirit pointed me to Luke 5: 4 - When He has finished speaking, He said to Simon, " Put into the deep water and let down the nets for a catch" (NIV). This year we need to move from the shore-line and go into the deep where the fishes are. We cannot be contended with what we have been doing. Many fishes (souls) need to be rescued from the fires of hell. They are out there but the church, the mission and evangelism teams must rise up and go where the fishes are and not wait for them to come. For that to happen the church needs to:
- Obey by faith. Unless we are willing to rise up by faith and heed the master's voice, we will not be able to realise the vision God has given to us. Peter said, "Nevertheless at your word I will let down the nets". Unless we are willing to move ahead by faith nothing is going to happen.
- Effort. Its always safer and easier to stay at the cost-line. Moving out to the deep is challenging, its frightening, takes time and effort but its rewarding.
- Supportive Leadership. When Jesus asked Peter to launch into the deep, He came along with Peter. Peter was not alone. The leadership must set the example and have others to follow.
We must recognise that we are not alone in this. Christ through his Holy Spirit is with us in this endeavour and it is HE who gives us the big catch.
A wonderful man who has been a blessing.