God still does miracles

Praise the Lord, Sir,

This is Singamundi village where our CP Akshay and his wife, Runi are planting a church. They have a house fellowship and a tuition centre in this village.

For many years, a couple longed for a boy child as they already had four daughters. Last year, CP Akshay prayed for them, and God heard their prayers, blessing them with a baby boy. They invited us to bless and dedicate the child.

We had the opportunity to share a meal at Brother Akshay's house. Children from our tuition center performed a dance, bringing joy to everyone present. Many people from the village came for the fellowship. 

The villagers were very happy, and many of them have already accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Both believers and non-believers listened attentively to God’s Word. God willing, these villagers will soon come to Christ.

Thank you so much, Sir, for your earnest prayers, guidance and for your continuous support.

Bishop Anjan


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