Trip to Villipuram, Tamil Nadu

The purpose of this trip was to teach our new batch of church planters on the important subject of the Great Commission. I departed Singapore on 18 Feb. This time I travelled to Tiruchirappalli (Trichy), instead of the usual Chennai stop. Flight time from Singapore to Chennai or Trichy is almost the same. The road travel is from Chennai to the training Centre is about 4.5 hrs. The road travel from Trichy is about 2.5- 3 hrs, much shorter. The only problem is the immigrations in Trichy. I waited for 1 ½ hours to clear the immigrations alone. It is a small airport and there were only four counters for foreigners, unlike Chennai where you can clear in 20 mins. The officers took a long time to check the documents and also there is no discipline of queuing in line. It was quite frustrating. So looking at the overall situation, it’s better to go via Chennai. At least the waiting time can be spent sleeping though the journey. But if you have booked via...