
Showing posts from March, 2021

Special Treat for Children at Shadrach Home Odisha

Today was a special day for the children at the Shadrach Home, Odisha. They had a special lunch which was sponsored by a lady in Singapore. Her son passed away last year and in memory of her son, she gave a special treat to the children. The children prayed for the family and were blessed the sponsor and her family. I am glad that people remember to help the less fortunate in these difficult times. The kids will remember this day for a long time to come.

On-line CP Training in Tamil Nadu

  Our first on-line teaching for church planters started today. I started with the Great Commission Module and I touched on the Scope of the Gospel.  This  is Lesson 1 We had about 15 students. It was quite challenging because of the connections and translation. Hopefully it will improve as we go along.

Woodlands Outreach Church

I thank the Lord for this opportunity to speak at Woodlands Outreach Church today. I am also thankful to Pastor Joshua, for the invitation.   We have known the late Apostle Suppiah and the family for many years.   I have known both Pst Jonathan and Pst Joshua since they were young boys.   Their mother, Sis Letchmi, of course are not just friends, but they are family to us. In fact, my mother would tell me when I was a child, she was one of those who will take care of me and brother when my father and sister were in hospital. This was during the Naval Base days. Some of you were not even born.   I remember very vividly, in the 90’s I had a major knee surgery and Sis Letchmi was one of the first to come to the hospital to visit me. I will never forget that.    Every time I meet her or speak to her on the phone, she will always encourage me and say that she is always remembering me and my wife in prayer.   It’s the prayer of these saints that has sustaine...

Reaching out to a new village

Bishop Anjan and his team made contact with a new village up in the  mountains in Rayagada, Odisha. Some years ago this villagers killed a missionary and since no-one has dared to go in there. After much prayer, the team decided to visit this village. To their surprise, they were welcomed by the villagers and it must be the Lord doing. They were invited again and so yesterday, the team went up with some good chicken curry and rice and built relationship with this community. There is no believer in this place. The team has established contact with some families. We have to be careful in sharing the gospel immediately. So this is what we are planning to do: Start a tuition centre in the village Conduct medical camp We want to win the trust of these people and to let them know we are no threat to anyone and we do not force people to follow us. If you are keen to be part of this project, please contact me. To God be the glory

Baptisms in Sikkim

  My heart was overjoyed to hear that seven baptism were recorded in Rangpo, Sikkim today. Pst Rubin has been working hard. I remember dedicating his church in 2015. This church was sponsored by my wife Jeya. It has now become too small for the congregation. Extension work is being carried out to cater to the increasing numbers. To God be the glory.

Sunday service at Abundant Life Family Church

  This morning I had the privilege of sharing the Word at Abundant Life Family Church in Ang Mo Kio. More than 100 people were gathered for worship in spite of the many social distancing measures.  Bro Albert and Sis Josephine, who are our partners of PEC mission work, attend this  church. I have known this church pastor, Senior Pastor Allan Ang since I was twelve years old. He used to help out in PEC in the early days, especially with the Chinese Ministry. I remember him interpreting for the Finnish missionaries. Pst Ang used to organise tracting  those days in Nee Soon and Chong Pang areas. After the hard work he would reward us with chicken rice lunch at the Chinese coffee shop, which was a luxury in those days. I am told that he does tracting even today, even though he is in his 70s. So it was good to get reconnected with him. Also Met Peter Tao, whose family had sponsored a church bu...

CP Training restarted in Tamil Nadu

 The residential church planters' training course started in Tamil Nadu today. There are 15 students. Praise God for all the sponsors fo this program. Most of the lessons are going to be  conducted  through zoom.

Salvation and yet persecution in Odisha

  I received the following report from Bishop Anjan in Odisha this morning. "Praise the Lord sir . This group of people have newly accepted Jesus. They are completely ostracised from their society.  They are  not allowed to draw water from the well in the village.  Last week a young married man, from this group died. No one from the village helped. Some of our church planters went there and helped to bury the young man.   Sir, the new christians are asking us to help them dig a well to supply drinking water. This may cost about 25to30 thousand rupees.   Dear sir we are earnestly praying and requesting you to do something for these new christians . The young boy (on bed) was sick for many years now after prayer, he was miraculously healed and is a strong believer in  Christ. Please pray for all of them sir. Thank you sir” After reading this  report, I was broken. Even today there is so much persecution for christians in these areas. This villa...

Church Planters seminar in Rasoolpura

  Today we had another zoom session with PEC church planters and pastors. We had Bro George Khoo from  Singapore  take four sessions: The believers' assurance Life of prayer Summary of the Book of Philippians Challenges faced in these days. It was indeed a blessed time. To God be the glory

1st zoom seminar with Tamil Nadu Pastors

  Yesterday we had the first zoom session for Tamil Nadu pastors. After many months of discussions, we finally got it going. In spite of the minor hitches the sessions went on well. Rev Albert  Pang  spoke on the topic :"Upper Room Blessings". Sis Josephine touched on seven important  principles  that are essential for the year 2021. I spoke on the life of Samson and the pitfalls we need to take note off. Overall all it went well. The Church Planters Training Program will go on zoom from end of this month and looks like this will b the way forward for the next few years. Special thanks to Pst Thomas Jaya for all the hard work put in organising this effort.  Seize every opportunity

Promise verse for Mar 2021 - I will go before you

  This morning Bro Babu James shared from Isaiah 45:2-3 I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. I will give you hidden treasures   riches stored in secret places,  so that you may know that I am the  Lord   the God of Israel, who summons you by name. I learnt the following fro his sharing: Because  He goes before me, I can be assured ( I will )  of: His ever-present PRESENCE - I will go before you His ever-present PEACE - And will level the mountains; His ever-present POWER - I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. His ever-present PROVISION - Will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, His ever-present POSITION (status) - so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel,  His ever-present PASSION - who summons you by name. May God's presence go before us this month ...