Serving at Kuantan, HIAA

Yesterday I finished my sessions of Biblical Mandate, a subject close to my heart. A total of 17 participants from various fields. I am not a theological but I poured out my heart to them, in very practical terms. By the end of the fourth session, I can see many visibly moved and some really to compose themselves. I myself was visible moved when I shared about Reena's near death experience. For the first time I could hardly control my emotions, as I recounted the trying journey, Jeya and I had to plough through. No parents should go through such situations in their lives. But at the end we can truly be grateful to our wonderful God who has always been faithful. I did not have time to mingle with the participants as I had to make my way to the bus station. Pst Wee was so kind to come and pick me up and send me again back to the station. An elderly Pastor but displayed what servant leadership is all about. Praise God for such wonderful people. Very inter...