Too spiritual to be sensitive

“Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.”- Ezekiel 9:4

The last few days have brought mankind back to pre-civilisation days. The colour of the skin was the cause of a number of deaths in the US, especially so when it was perpetrated by those who were supposed to to keep mankind in the civilised realm. 

Nearer to home, it was heart wrenching to hear how spiritual christian leaders, despise family, especially children, their own flesh and blood. Those who are ordained to uphold truth, abuse the very foundation of it. 

In the process, death, assault  finger-pointing, hurts and abuses surface in public forums. They call it washing dirty linen in public. Sadly the older generation don't realise it their own doing that the next generation behaves the way they are now. 

But the question that the above verse raises, is how do christians respond to such atrocities. In the days of the prophet, there was a group of saints that lamented and grieved over the detestable things that was taking place. I wonder how many christians would have seriously done the same on the hearing of the present detestable things. Did it move my heart to pray and weep or was it just another occurrence that we have been accustomed too, because there are other more "urgent things" in our calendar. Has our spirituality lost its sensitivity. God forbade.

Its awfully sad these days that humanity has to be reminded that "Black Lives matter".  While that is true, what humanity really needs to be reminded is that race or colour of the skin has no mitigating influence in God's judgment hall. Only the the lives that are washed by the blood of the Lamb matter. 


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