Change in plans

I was due to fly out of Maui on Wed, 9 Mar. I was not well. I was scheduled to visit Nebraska to speak with HI sponsors and some church meetings. I had already packed by bags but was too weak to bring them to the lobby at the MPC. My transport leaves in an hour. So I asked the front desk if they can arrange for someone to bing my languages down. I went and slumped onto a church in the lobby. I was running a fever and terribly weak, yet determined to take the flight. 

Some brothers seeing my condition came and prayed for me. I really appreciated that. Suddenly Prof Arthur appears from nowhere and asks me to go back to my room to rest. :You are not going any where until you get better". It must be the Holy Spirit's prompting. Because I knew if I had gone, I probably would not have survived. 

Dr Joey gave me some medication and I collapsed in my bed, running high fever through out the night.  The trip cancellation was for a reason.

I was "total rest in bed" for the next two days. Recovered from the flu and got the necessary rest needed. While I was resting, I was treated like a Class A patient.  Now I am really refreshed. Special thanks to Pro Arthur and all the staff and volunteers in Haggai Institute.

Was also able to meet the participants and really glad to see how they have been inspired by the sessions. Leaving Maui tomorrow, Sunday and looking forward to be at Home. Thank you Jesus.


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