Mission Trip to Tamil Nadu - 10-17 Apr
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I truly praise God for another opportunity to serve Him in the field. The objectives of the this trip were as follows:
- Two days church planters seminar in Kanniyakumari.
- Sunday service at Pst John Signey's church
- Visit the Shadrach Home
- Visit some of our church planters
- Two days meetings at out church painters church.
On 11 Apr, afternoon we drove about 4 hrs to Ottampati village in Vellipuram. We had one night of gospel meeting in Pst Thomas' church. We dedicated this church last year and it heartening to see the work grow. Pst Thomas and his wife conduct four tuition centres in four different villages and through this children's ministry, many families have been added to the church. About 150 people attended the service, many pre-believers. Pst Joel shared the Word. Many people responded to the message and came forward for prayer.
On 13-14 Apr, we had two days of seminar with our Tamil Nadu church planters. Pst Joel and Sis Gaiety took sessions on the first day of the seminar. Many testified later how they were blessed by the sessions.
On the second day, we had the inauguration service of the Bihar Church Planters Training Program. This is another exciting mile stone in the history of PEC. Bihar is often know as the missionary's graveyard and there are less than 1% Christians in that state. We are expecting 12 students for this program. We pray that these students will complete this program and go back to plant churches in the remote villages, in Bihar. Bro Albert Pang, who sponsored this program, spoke in the service.
Later the boys from Shadrach Home presented an exciting program for the guests. The boys have grown and we can see their love for the Lord. Many of them are doing well in school. More is needed to be down to help them with their English and music. In the afternoon I took a session with the church planters and concluded the sessions. God is doing a great work through the lives of these church planters.
On Wed, we visited our church planters in Tutucorin. We went to see Pst Rubern's work in one of the areas. We had an out door meeting and the Spirit of the Lord ministered to the people in a special way.
We praise God for all that He is doing through PEC church planters. This group is ready for a church building. We also visited Pst Yesubalan's place and discussed how the ministry should go forward.
Then we drove for two hours' drive to Thenkasi for a gospel meeting in Pst Wilson's church. What a joy t see the church packed with people. May responded to the message.
After the meeting we made a 5 hour drive back to Trivendrum and reached our hotel at 2:AM. Tired but satisfied with what the church planters are doing.
We give God all the glory. The harvest truly is plentiful but the labourers are few. Thanks all for peering for us.
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