HI National Seminar in Mongolia

The participants
Praise God for another opportunity to be in Mongolia. This is my second visit, the last being in 2012. This time the seminar was held in Ulaan Baatar, the capital of Mongolia. So much changes have taken place in the city since I was last here. New developments and new buildings everywhere.

The seminar was held in Khunnu Hotel in the center of the city. 25 participants attended the seminar. They comprised leaders from different fields including pastors and church leaders. I facilitated the subject "Biblical Mandate". 

This group was very interactive asking questions and making many comments during the sessions. They were hungry for more of God. The Holy Spirit moved and touched the participants in a very special way. Many testified how they were impacted by the sessions.

I too was blessed. It was a joy to see Pst Vasile. Good man with passion for God. It excludes from him and it's contagious. We met last in São Paulo in Feb. Somehow God is bringing us to serve Him together.  It was a blessing to work with the organizing committee who were tireless in their efforts to get the seminar going in spite of the many challengers.

It was also a joy to meet Byambatogokh participant from ALT 979/980 in Chiang Mei. He was kind to bring me around UB in the night and to visit his home.

Tiananmen Square, Beijing

Now back to reality. Stopover at Beijing before returning home. All glory to God.


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