Spiritual Leadership is about influence

John Maxwell said that a leader without followers is only taking a walk in the park. A leader must have followers. But why do people follow the leader?

Spiritual leadership is different form secular leadership. In the secular world, most often people listen to you or follow you becasue of position or job requirements. The subordinates have no choice. Otherwise they lose their jobs. Especially so in the uniformed groups. You may hate your boss but you better listen to him if you need your income.

Such positional leadership can also work in the spiritual atmosphere but that would mean a failure on the part of the leader. People are forced to listen or follow you. The result often is disastrous. No communication or limited communication, harboring of hurts, guilt and silent resistance. Growth is retarded and people are not happy.

In his servant leadership, our Lord Jesus taught us that leadership is all about influencing others. In Mat 5:13-16, Jesus taught the disciples to be the salt and the light of the world. But he also influenced them to be the salt and the light of the world. How did He do that?

1.   AID - He ministered to them. Peter was one good example. In Luke 5, Jesus knew Peter had been fishing all night and caught nothing. He had a felt need and also a spiritual need. Jesus met them both. So much so, Peter "fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”. A leader cannot lead until and unless he meets or helps to meet the needs of those who follow him. They must know you care for them and you love them.

2.  ATTENDHe spent time with them.   This is crucial. Our Lord spent three over years with His disciples. Teaching and being with them. He made them valuable. Yes, they were the outcast of the society but the Lord recognized their worth. They were made in the image of God. He was not aloof but walked the ground with them. He was there when they were hungry at the good times and bad. He even mingled with the sinners and the publicans (Mat 9:11). The Pharisees were just the opposite. They kept to themselves with the "holy Hallo" hanging over their heads. How different Jesus was. Influence is about spending time. 

3.  ARTICULATEHe showed them the way.   Jesus influenced by leading by example. He showed them how to do it.  He healed the sick and the lame. He taught the multitudes. He went about preaching. teaching and healing (Mat 9:35). He washed the disciples feet (John 13:1-17). Jesus said, "I have set you an example".  This sets spiritual leadership from the secular. Paul was bold to say, "Follow me as I follow Christ".

4. ARDOURThey saw His passion.    Jesus' passion was contagious (Mat 9:36). They saw His passion when He was ministering to the people. They could not understand, why food was not important but doing the will of the father was. They saw His passion for the lost , for God and for doing God's will. Later John writes, 1Jn 4:19 - We love because he first loved us. They saw His love, they saw his passion.

5.  ASCERTAINHe helped them discover their purpose in life.   Jesus said to the fishermen, "Follow me and I will make you fishers of men". Peter writes in 1 Peter2:9 - But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God's very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for he called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

Influencing others - Aid, attend, articulate, ardour, and ascertain.


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