Jeya and I were in Klang, Malaysia over the weekend at the invitation of Bro Stephen Chandra Mohan, an alumni from HI. It was a five hour bus ride from Spore. It was wonderful meeting Stephen, his wife Flora and their two children. A wonderful family involved actively in church and who showed generous hospitality to us. We were able to reminiscent the times in Maui and I was encouraged to hear how God is using our brother to fulfill the Great Commission. He has such a contagious passion and heart for God.
On Sunday morning I had the privilege of speaking at Bethany Church in Klang. More than a hundred attended the morning service.
I spoke on the topic "Why Go". The key points:
- It's the mandate given by our Lord
- We don't have much time
- Man is lost without Christ
- Its my personal obligation.
Many were blessed. I was blessed and encouraged as well. All Glory to God
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