Assam - 9 Baptized, church planters in near mishap.

"Dear Sir Rama
Greetings from Samuel.
Thank you sir for all the prayers and support for the ministries over here.We thank you so much for giving this precious help to our people by which we are able to reach the People in Assam, Bhutan, Sikkim and west Bengal.
Sir, On Friday, I was on my way to Assam to baptised some people where one of our CPs is working very hard. There were nine people to baptise. Now in these days we are getting heavy rainfall in Northeast India and in Himalayan region. But as I reach Gossaigoan, Pastor Thomas Lama was waiting to show me to his village which is 40 Km away from The highway
But on way to his house while crossing the Wooden Bridge, the motorcycle slipped and both of us fall down from The Bridge. By Gods Grace, The bike remained on the top of bridge. Pastor Thomas was unconscious for fifteen minutes. The Bridge is 15 feet high. I worried and I started crying. So after half an hour back, we again started riding again and reached home crying. We Thank God for the Life he gave to us. It was painful and hurting.
Today, we have our Baptism programme for 9 people and again one more group is getting ready. The group is doing their fellowship in Lamas house. 25 people are coming for the Prayer now.
The work in Assam is very difficult , still then The Lord is on Move. Thank you so much for Prayer support for our Church Planters. There are mainly tribals who are attending the meeting now.
Thank you.
Pst Samuel Sharma"
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