With the help of Larry Rutland, the Senior Development Director of Haggai Institute, we were able to secure 10 proclaimers from "Faith Comes by Hearing". Larry was kind enough to pay for the shipment of these equipment to Hyderabad from the US. These proclaimers operate on solar energy and carry recorded Scriptures in the local languages. O
ur vision is that "Every village in Andhra Pradesh will hear the gospel of Jesus Christ". There are a total of 26,000 villages in AP. They all come under the 23 districts. We have Rural Area Evangelism Team Coordinators in each of the 23 Districts and each month they are reaching out to as many villages as they can. By God's grace we have reached out to more than 4,000 villages in the last five years and as a result of this effort more than 300 churches/cells have been established. Many of the people in the villages cannot read or write and hence the proclaimers have been very useful for them to hear the Word in their own native language.
These proclaimers are taking the villages by storm. Our coordinators are already asking for more. This will really help the simple people in the study of the Word which is very much lacking in the new churches in AP.
We thank God for people with like-minded vision to reach the lost for His Kingdom.
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