Mission Trip to AP 15-22 Jan 11
From 17-19 Jan, we
conducted a three days seminar for our rural area evangelism (RAE) team leaders and some of our core pastors. The following topics were covered.
Pst John Daniel - StewardshipBro John Prince - Book of James
Pst John Signey - Models of Evangelism
Bro Rama - Leadership.
Many pastors testified that they were indeed blessed by the teachings in the seminar and were motivated to serve the Lord in a greater dimension. We were also able to streamline our RAE effort. Praise God, with effect from Jan 11, we have 23 RAE teams, one for each district in AP. This was our original vision and with this in place, we would have reached all the 26,000 villages with the gospel in the next 10-12 years.
On 18 Jan, Sis Evelyn conducted a Women's seminar in Kailasagiri, Rengareddy District. About 20 women attended the seminar. The Spirit of the Lord ministered to many ladies and some wept openly. Also on the same evening we visited the Moti Nagar Children's Day Care program. It was a joy again to meet Pst Benjamin and his teachers who have been taking good care of the 120 kids. Sis Evelyn played some games with the kids and Pst John Daniel shared a story. We were surprised at the versatility of Pst John Daniel and even the adults were glued to the story. He is very good with the kids and we all loved his story.
On 18 Jan night we took the nig
ht train to Rajamondry and drove another two hours to Rampachodavaram village. In the late morning, we dedicated a new church planted by one of our pastors. Most of the people from the church are tribal. The joy of the Lord was seen on their faces. Pst John Daniel shared the word.

9 believers were baptized in a canal. What a joy it was to see people turning to the Lord and walking in His ways.
Later in the afternoon we inaugurated our PEC Tribal Training Centre. The school is run by our Coordinator Pst Prabudas. It was an historic moment and the training was conducted in a simple structure. Simple tribal people, yet they love the Lord and want to serve him. That night we took the train back to Hyderabad and departed for home on Friday night. Praise God for all his mercies and favour on the trip and thanks to all who have prayed for us.
The following needs require urgent attention:
On 18 Jan night we took the nig
9 believers were baptized in a canal. What a joy it was to see people turning to the Lord and walking in His ways.
The following needs require urgent attention:
- Currently we are using a temporary shed on the roof of the Pastor's house as a training centre. We intend to use a nearby church for the training. However we need to put a new insulated metal roof over a church (presently it has dried leaves as a roof, shown below). In addition we need to purchase a small two-room house near this church which can be used as accommodation for the students and the church planter who are oversees of this church. The whole project costs Sing $6,000.
A repentant of one sinner, makes the angels dance in heaven...........
ReplyDeleteAren't we excited?
Praise God