On 9th Sep Bishop Nehemiah visited the work started by Pastor Jayapaul,our 6th batch church planter in Rajmondary District. To get there he had to travel twelve hrs by train, two hours by bus and another two hours on the motorbike. The village is in the remote forested area at the AP-Orissa border. Bishop Nehemiah had to travel through the mountainous terrain, via winding mud tracks which was dangerous. The weather was not too friendly either. It was pouring. Electricity and transportation gets disrupted whenever it rains.

He finally arrived at the village and was amazed to see the work. A small cell has been started by our church planter . Due to the rain the room was flooded. Yet in the midst of such difficulties our church planter has pioneered a work and people are getting saved. Bishop Nehemiah was moved as he baptised four new members. The joy of seeing people turning to the Lord made him forget the misery of the travel.

People gather for worship in a rented place.

Chruch Planter Pastor Jayapaul. We praise God for such committed people who are willing to labour for the Lord in very trying circumstances.
That every village in AP will hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All Glory to God.
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