
Showing posts from February, 2025

Speaking to Chennai Haggai Alumni

Yesterday I had the privilege to speak to the Chennai Haggai Alumni via zoom. It was good to see some familiar faces and people who are passionate about ending gospel poverty. I shared by life about the Haggai experience and what God is doing through us in India and other parts of Asia. My text was take from Acts 26:19-20. It was so good to share likeminded people with same vision and passion. 

Fruitful trip in South Korea

I have finally arrived at Incheon Airport, awaiting my flight back to Singapore. This journey has been nothing short of fruitful—an experience that has deeply blessed and revitalized my spirit. I was profoundly moved by the people I encountered, who truly embodied the essence of being "Christians," reflecting their Master in grace, humility, and truth. Though the weather was cold, it was not harsh, and I am immensely grateful to Pastor Paul Kye for his kindness in providing me with warm clothing—without which I would have been left vulnerable to the freezing temperatures. Pastor Paul’s unwavering love for Jesus and his fervent passion for ministry have left an indelible mark on me, inspiring me to walk in the same devotion and commitment. with Pst Paul Inkye By the grace of God I was able to minster to the church in Ganghwa for their revival meetings. Small church but very passionate believers, reaching out to the community.  They were real when it came to God and serving...

Trip to South Korea

Arrival at Incheon Airport. Cold  This is my 3rd trip to Ganghwa island in South Korea. I arrived at Incheon airport on 21 Feb at about 6:30AM. It was -8 degrees. I was invited by my friend Pst Paul kye from the Methodist Church. Pst Paul and his church elder Bro Kim, were at the airpot to receive me. As I stepped out of the airport, I could feel the coldness bitting into my bones. But it was bright and sunny as we drove about an hour to Ganghwa.  Korean Breakfast Along the way we stopped for breakfast. It was something like our "Kambeng soup", less the Indian spices. But I loved it. Sooo cosy air bnb Bro Kim and his wife allowed me to stay in their air-bnb. It was so cosy and lovely. I loved the fireplace. I was told the cost was about USD250 a day but he allowed me to stay for free. The Lord will certainly bless him and his family for their generosity and extremely kind hospitality.  In the evening I spoke at the Friday meeting. Although it was freezing c...

Update from Myanmar

The Church planters supported by PEC mission are also continually and tirelessly reaching out the neighbours  in the villages. God has blessed the ministry works in wining many souls to Christ.  Of course, the church planters like the rest of the country are going through political chaos that  result some villages churches members and ministry are forced to moving around that it causes di fficult for the church planters’ following up the new believers and targeted community. While some of the church planters have to do shepherding the village churches due to travelling  and accesses are strongly limited in the region they live in, the other church planters who have  more opportunity for reach out are faithfully reaching out the neighbours  in the villages despite  many other challenging.  In some region like country sides like Kachin and Shan and Karen state,  even though it is somehow possible to do evangelism, it is very challenging to g...

When He Had Finished Speaking

Luke 5:4  –  "When He had finished speaking, He said to Simon, 'Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.'" I was quite intrigued by this phrase and especially at this juncture. A simple conjunction but yet there is a profound stillness in this phrase— “When He had finished speaking.”  It is a moment that could easily be overlooked, a simple transition in the narrative. Yet, within these words lies a powerful revelation about the nature of God’s timing and purpose.  That is why we must linger in the presence of the Lord as we delve into His Word, allowing Him to unveil the hidden treasures woven within the fabric of each narrative. Picture the scene : Jesus stands by the water’s edge, His voice carrying over the waves as He speaks the words of life. The crowd listened intently, captivated by His wisdom. Yet, just a short distance away, Simon sits by his boat, weary and burdened. He has toiled all night and caught nothing. His nets were empty, his he...

Radical Love – A Mark of True Discipleship

Matthew 5:44   –  "But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." The Sermon on the Mount stands as the greatest manifesto ever delivered, a proclamation so profound that even Mahatma Gandhi remarked on its unparalleled beauty and power. Yet within this divine discourse lies a command so radical, so contrary to human nature, that it leaves us astonished:  “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” This is no mere call to passive tolerance or indifferent coexistence. It is a summons to a love so divine, so sacrificial, that it defies the logic of our world. It is a love that embraces the unlovable, forgives the unforgivable, and prays for those who wound and wrong us. Who could fathom such a command? Love... not just those who are kind, not just those who love us in return, but our enemies. This is a love that transcends the limits of human reciprocity. It is a love that echoes from the throne of grace, a love that knows no bounds...

Baptisms in Assam: A Testament to God's Continuing Work

We are thrilled to report that eight new believers were baptized in Assam, a powerful testimony to God’s continued work in the region. The baptism ceremony was conducted by Bishop Samuel Sharma, whose leadership and spiritual guidance were greatly appreciated. This event is particularly significant as it occurred despite ongoing persecution and challenges faced by the local church. Yet, in the midst of these difficulties, God’s hand remains evident, bringing people to faith and strengthening the community of believers. We are profoundly grateful for the commitment and fervent dedication of the Church Planters (CPs) who are tirelessly working to fulfill the Great Commission. Their unwavering faith and perseverance are instrumental in spreading the Gospel and expanding God’s Kingdom in Assam. We are indeed grateful  to Bishop Samuel Sharma and his team for the tireless work in the mission field. We give all glory to God for these new souls who have publicly declared their faith throu...

God still does miracles

Praise the Lord, Sir, This is Singamundi village where our CP Akshay and his wife, Runi are planting a church. They have a house fellowship and a tuition centre in this village. For many years, a couple longed for a boy child as they already had four daughters. Last year, CP Akshay prayed for them, and God heard their prayers, blessing them with a baby boy. They invited us to bless and dedicate the child. We had the opportunity to share a meal at Brother Akshay's house. Children from our tuition center performed a dance, bringing joy to everyone present. Many people from the village came for the fellowship.  The villagers were very happy, and many of them have already accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. Both believers and non-believers listened attentively to God’s Word. God willing, these villagers will soon come to Christ. Thank you so much, Sir, for your earnest prayers, guidance and for your continuous support. Bishop Anjan

Church Camp - Port Dickson

Jeya and  I were invited to speak at City Tabernacle  KL Church Camp in Port Dickson from 9-11 Feb. We decided to drive up this time and thank God there was no traffic jam at the causeway. The drive was pretty smooth and pleasant and we arrived at the Methodist Centre, PD,  on good time. The theme of the camp was Living Epistles based on 2 Cor 3:2-3. We were greeted by the camp organising committee and by Senior Pastor Arnold Rajan and his wife Pst Santanna. Their son, Pst Matthias, was the one who invited us for the camp. He heard me during one of the pastors conference we spoke at in KL, two years ago. A young man with great potential and serves God with great humility, a quality much lacking in many pastors today. I was deeply impressed by the exceptional hospitality extended by the people. Approximately 180 individuals attended the camp, the majority of whom were young adults. I was pleasantly surprised by their high level of education and technologica...

Justified by Faith - Peace with God

Romans 5:1 (NIV) - "Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."   This verse was the foundation of Martin Luther’s battle cry, "Sola Fide"—faith alone. It ignited the Protestant Reformation because, at the time, many believed that salvation depended on good works, indulgences, and human effort. Luther, through his study of Scripture, saw the truth: our justification before God is not earned but received by faith in Jesus Christ alone.   But what does justification mean? To be justified is to be declared righteous before God. It is not that we become perfect, but that through Christ’s sacrifice, God sees us as righteous. This is a legal declaration—our sins are forgiven, and we stand blameless before Him. Jesus paid the ultimate price with His blood, fulfilling what we could never achieve by our own works.  As Paul reminds us in  Ephesians 2:8-9 , "For it is by grace you have been saved, through f...

A Christian - A Living Epistle for Jesus

2 Corinthians 3:2-3   You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone.   You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God,   not on tablets of stone   but on tablets of human hearts. In this text, Paul describes believers as living epistles, written not with ink but by the Spirit of God on human hearts. This powerful imagery emphasizes that Christians are to reflect Christ in their lives, serving as letters that others can read and come to know God. Unlike written scriptures on tablets of stone, the life of a believer serves as a testimony to the grace, power, and presence of Christ. I think Paul defines three important aspects of being a living epistle in the above verses: being a living, empowered, and observable letter for Jesus. A Christian is a Living Epistle for Jesus.  To be a living epistle means that our lives must actively demonstrate the ...

Update from Odisha - What a passion

My heart was so blessed to receive this report this morning from the field ========================= "Good morning sir. I thank God for His great mercy, love, and blessings upon PEC Odisha. Early yesterday morning, our church planter, Brother Sukru, informed me that a group of people near his village were eager to meet me. When I asked Pastor Sukru the reason, he explained that they were seeking prayer and were willing to hear the Gospel. This was a completely new place for us. Recognizing that this was God's will for us to go and share His love with these people, I immediately called Pastors Daitary and Bulu to visit the area with me. What we didn’t realize was that we would have to walk through hills and mountains to reach them. We rode our bikes as far as possible, then left them behind and continued on foot. To our surprise, the villagers had been waiting for us for a long time. They had even prepared a meal of rice, chicken, and dal for us. Though we were exhausted and dr...

Forsaken by Man, Embraced by God

"Though my father and mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me." – Psalm 27:10 (NIV) David, the shepherd boy who became king, knew what it meant to feel like an outsider in his own family. In Psalm 27:10, he speaks of being forsaken by his parents, a sentiment echoed in Psalm 69:8 : "I am a foreigner to my own family, a stranger to my own mother’s children." These words reveal a deep sense of rejection and isolation. David’s Relationship with Jesse does not appear to be good. Jesse, David’s father, seemed to overlook his youngest son. When the prophet Samuel arrived to anoint the next king of Israel, Jesse presented all his sons except David ( 1 Samuel 16:10-11) . It was only when Samuel inquired if there was another son that Jesse reluctantly mentioned David, who was tending sheep. This neglect suggests that David may not have been highly regarded within his family or even thought of as an outcaste.  The Bible does not explicitly name David’s mother, but Jewish...

Sunday at His Arrow Church

Today I had the privilege to minister the Word at His Arrow Church in Horne. Sr Pastor How is a good partner and mentor. We have known each other for more than 20 years. He has helped PEC in the late 90's and early 20's.  I spoke on "Making Right Decisions" and the message was well received. Many came forward for prayer. After the service many came and said how they were blessed by the message. All praise and glory to God.

Don’t Lean on your own understanding

Don’t Lean on your own understanding “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”  —  Proverbs 3:5-6 Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, had everything—wealth, status, and power. He lacked nothing, and by worldly standards, he had all the resources to secure his son's future. Yet, as he writes to his son, leaving behind a legacy of wisdom, he does not emphasize wealth, education, or social standing as the keys to a successful life. Instead, he offers an unexpected command: "Do not lean on your own understanding." If anyone had reason to trust in their own wisdom, it was Solomon. Yet, he acknowledges that even the sharpest human intellect is limited and flawed. True success, he teaches, is not found in self-reliance but in complete dependence on God. This passage teaches us that while logic, experience, and reasoning are valuable, they should never  replace  God's...